![]() 09/16/2019 at 12:59 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
How does Oppo feel about them? Because this video has some awesome moped content (not to mention some kick ass music) .
This has been my song of the summer, every time I hear it on the stereo I crank it. Honestly, the whole album, Crux, is awesome. I didn’t learn about Moon Tooth till a few months ago, but I’m loving them because they are able to somehow simultaneously check the boxes for both prog depth and rock accessability.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:05 |
You have way cooler radio stations than I do.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:08 |
SiriusXM Liquid Metal... it’s a sea of mediocrity with the occasional absolute gem.
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As someone who rides a motorcycle ie a real bike, I’m obligated to hate mopeds. But as someone who has ridden a moped/scooter , mopeds/scooters are awesome and everyone should have them* .
Ex cept for every college age person who rides too slow, gets free access to parking while taking up every single parking space that motorcycle riders actually pay for, and can’t park for shit. Fuck those people. I came so, soooo close to playing scooter dominoes a few days.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:09 |
Do you live in a city? If so mopeds/scooters are about the most fun you can have on a motorized vehicle. I’ve put more than 6000 miles on a 50cc vehicle over the past 2 years.
I dig the sound! Kind of a crack the skye era mastodon vibe (at least instrumentally)
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:12 |
As are most of Sirius stations.
G ood song tho
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:12 |
Fellow motorcycle rider here, absolutely agree on all counts. I’ve never ridden a proper moped, but I rode my first scooter a few weeks ago, and it was the silliest, funnest thing I think I’ve ever done on 2 wheels. It’s like, faster and less effort than a bicycle, but not as nervewracking as a CBR1000RR (my old liter bike). It had me grinning from ear to ear.
If I ever find a stupid cheap moped on Craigslist or something, I think I’d get it just to fix up and screw around with. In particular I want to make it look like the dudes in the video @ around 1:45. The one with the yellow tank that looks like a cafe racer.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:16 |
Sadly I live out in the s uburbs outside of Washington, DC. My neighborhood dumps out onto a pretty major parkway, so a scooter/moped (or anything that can’t do 50) is basically useless to me. There is a back way I could sneak out to go fool around on some back roads and get to a local coffee shop and stuff, but that’s a grey area, legally.
And I agree, I’m digging their sound. Mastodon is another one of those bands that I love because they are, for the most part, pretty easily digestible rock music, but layered in there is lots of prog brilliance.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:25 |
Yeah, the low cc stuff is one of those things you’l either love or hate based purely on surroundings. I can dice through dense traffic on my ruckus in ways I wouldn’t even attempt on my supermoto (scooters also
seem to annoy other road users quite a bit less than aurally and visually loud dirtbikes do, so that’s a plus). On the flip side, riding outside of the city in more rural areas, keeping the throttle pinned for mile after mile of relatively straight road gets pretty boring.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:29 |
You have a great point there. That said, I have kicked around the idea of a small supermoto (250-400) that would work on roads I normally use without being obscenely obnoxious like something like Ducati Hypermotard (though I think these look amazing when “de-beaked”).
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:30 |
I’ve been turned onto a lot of good bands by SiriusXM. For example they got me into Jinjer and I’m going to go see them at the end of the month. If I weren’t already married, I might propose to the angry Jinjer lady :D
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:41 |
I think there is a right bike for any setting.
Scooters, Groms, Other low CC junk: Dense urban settings
Supermotos, larger scooters, midsize nakeds: Suburbs and tight backroads
Sport bikes, supernakeds, turbo busas: Rural or flatlands with lots of interstate.
For me, I live in the suburbs right outside of Portland, so I’ll rid
e a scooter if I’m going into the city and take the supermoto if I’m heading to the twisties in the mountains
away from the city. I did the liter bike thing for a while, but there really wasn’t anywhere I could open up the throttle reliably, so it got kind of old.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 13:52 |
In an ideal world I’d have another 1000cc bike just for shits and giggles. There’s something that’s just so satisfying about having all that power at your control. After having owned one, it’s a feeling I can never forget.
But I also want a small supermoto - a “Miata/BRZ of bikes”, something that’s fun and competent and that I can wring the absolute snot out of and have a blast without worrying about going triple digit speeds. Slow bikes fast! I had a Nighthawk 250 which was a bit underpowered, and still have a non-running CB-1 (that I’m working on) which is a 400, and it’s just about right, so I think a DRZ400 would be about perfect for me.
![]() 09/16/2019 at 14:03 |
I know what you mean, my 06 CBR1000 broke “fast” for me, haven’t been in a car that felt quick since owning that thing. But traded it out for something slower that I could explore the whole rev range on a little more easily (a second gen SV650)
For supermotos, there’s also the “V8 swapped Miata/BRZ of bikes” ;)
which gives all the lightness and flickability of my old DRZ4, but with a lot more power (and funny enough, better fuel economy)
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